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  •  Bangladesh Heritage and Ethnic Society of Alberta · Promoter of Bangladeshi Culture and Heritage in and around Edmonton
  • R.S. Jeweler's in Bangladesh
  • Bangladesh PressClub Centre of Alberta (BPCA) · Professional Forum for Journalists and Media Associates
  • A Conceptual Perspective of Conflict Management, Book by Delwar Jahid
  • Delwar Jahid, S. · Commissioner of Oath in & for the Province of Alberta and Saskachewan
  • Mahinur Jahid Memorial Foundation (MJMF) · Supporter of Bangladeshi and Canadian Youth
  • Celebration of Mother Language, Culture and Heritage at
  • Samajkantha Online Inc. · The Voice of Society · Bengali online news magazine
  • Shores Canada Ltd. · The producer of classic and online media  with a slightly different touch.



DHAKA, Nov 11, 2023 (BSS) - The Bangladesh Monitor, a travel publication, has

introduced a new award program for the travel, tourism, and hospitality

sectors to recognize the people and organizations for their valuable

contribution towards developing these sectors in Bangladesh.

The names of the awardees will be announced at a gala award ceremony in May

next year after following certain procedure including the public opinion.

These were revealed today at a press conference held at Bangabandhu

International Conference Center (BICC) in the capital, said a press release


Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission Professor Shibli Rubayet Ul

Islam, Bangladesh Tourism Board CEO Abu Tahir Muhammadd Zaber and editor of

the Bangladesh Monitor Kazi Wahidul Alam spoke at the conference.

The awards will be given under four broad segments - tourism, travel,

hospitality and restaurants.

A jury panel comprising representatives from relevant fields, civil society,

media, and others will select the awardees.

Judgment will be conducted based on online public opinion, overall public

perception, jury panel's opinion and other criteria. CSR activities

undertaken by the organizations will also be taken into consideration, said

the release.