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International News

DHAKA, Feb 26, 2015 (BSS) - Jimmy Wales, Co-founder of Wikipedia, today said they wants to make the Wikipedia available to all in Bangladesh.

"The campaign 'Internet for all' is going on in the country as well as in the world and the Wikipedia wants to be a part of it, and that's why Wikipedia has the plan to introduce Wikipedia Zero in the country," said Jimmy Wales in a celebration programme that organized to mark the ten years of Bangla Wikipedia in a city hotel.

Citing the tremendous contribution of Wikipedia in technological revolution in African countries, Jimmy said: "We want to spread the technological revolution at every nook and corner in the world, and the smarthphone is easing our jobs."

He hoped the price of internet enabled devices would come down to $15 soon, which would increase the internet dependency of the people in future.

The co-founder of the largest free online encyclopedia of the world said Wikipedia is being read in 287 languages while a total of 555 million people visit it in very month across the globe.

Wikipedia Zero is a project by the Wikimedia Foundation to provide Wikipedia free of charge on mobile phones, particularly in developing markets. The program was launched in 2012.

The objective of the program is to reduce barriers to accessing free knowledge-one of the largest barriers being cost of data usage. One can easily access Wikipedia and other associated domains from data enable smartphones at free of cost.

Currently the following domains are free to access now:,,,,,,

On the occasion of ten years celebration of Bangla Wikipedia, ten Bangladeshi Wikipedians were given award.

Grammenphone Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Allan Bonke and Wikimedia Bangladesh President Munir Hasan also spoke on the occasion.