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24 dev projects of Khulna to boost up country’s economy


KHULNA, Nov 11, 2023 (BSS)-The projects which are going to be inaugurated by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday, will boost up country’s economy with a revolutionary change in line with the development of last 14 years.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is expected to inaugurate 24 development projects and to lay foundation another five projects at the grand rally here on November 13, additional deputy commissioner (ADC) of Khulna Pulak Kumar Mondal told BSS.

Of the projects, the Education Engineering Department (EED) has implemented 11 projects, the Public Works Department eight projects and five other projects of the Department of Local Government, West Forest Division of the Sundarbans and the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE).

Besides, a total of five projects including two of Khulna City Corporation (KCC) will be inaugurated on that day, Mr Mondal added.

Educationist Professor Anwarul Kadir told BSS that during the regime of Ershad and BNP, the south-western part of the country was underprivileged. Side by side with the digitalization of educational institutions, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has made a remarkable change by establishing and renovating 11 educational institutions by the EED in Khulna Division.

In order to present the true history of the Liberation War to the new Generation, the Genocide and Torture Archive and Museum building has been established, he said.

Shekhertek eco-tourism center under the Sundarbans Ecotourism Facility Expansion and Development Project by the Sundarbans West Forest Division will contribute to the economy of Bangladesh and the government will earn a handsome amount of revenue from the foreign tourists, Sheikh Ashrafuzzaman, President of Khulna Unnyan Sangram Samonnya Committee said. 

Building of Khulna BSTI regional office was a crying need for the companies and business owners and at the same time people of the region to get original products specially food items. The local businessmen, owner of factories are getting the BSTI approval from Khulna, Kazi Aminul Haque, President of Khulna Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The two bridges over Bhadra and Kurulia rivers by the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) will minimize the transportation cost, he said adding that it will contribute much to the agriculture and farmers to get more profit due to less transportation cost.

The sanitary landfill of Khulna City Corporation is an important project to keep the environment clean and public health safe, he added.