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Country News

DHAKA, Sept 20, 2023 (BSS) - Bangladesh has become a member of the Digital 
Cooperation Organization (DCO), a global multilateral body that aims to 
enable digital prosperity for all by accelerating the inclusive growth of the 
digital economy.

Bangladesh formally accepted the membership of the DCO yesterday at 
Bangladesh permanent mission to the United Nations in New York, an ICT 
Division press release said today. 

To this end, State Minister for ICT Junaid Ahmad Palak signed the charter, on 
behalf of Bangladesh, for becoming a DCO member state. 

Speaking on the occasion, Palak said the Digital Cooperation Organization has 
a huge market of 800 million people living in about 15 countries and 
Bangladesh officially became a member of DCO.

"As we became a member of DOCOI, now scopes have been created for us for 
availing four opportunities. The first one is that there will be an 
opportunity to do business with digital entrepreneurship startups in 
Bangladesh. Secondly, opportunity will be created to invest in Bangladesh 
from different countries. Third, Bangladesh's cyber security will be 
strengthened through mutual cooperation of 15 member state," he said.

Fourth, the state member said, works continue on startup passport - meaning 
that startups of one country can work in the 15 countries.

DCO Secretary-General Deemah Al Yahya and Bangladesh's Access to Information 
(A2I) Policy Advisor Anir Chowdhury were, among others, present.